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Craft Sunday - Umbrella Collage

Written By Admin_BT on Tuesday, January 31, 2012 | 9:24 PM

Here's my latest craft sunday finally! The inspiration came from a bird collage I found on pinterest, then I tweaked it and made it my own. I decided to do an umbrella because I thought it would be cute and unique!

This project was fun and easy! All you need is canvas, magazines, a pair of scissors, mod podge, and paint. I also added a ribbon to mine.
Here's how I did it:

I found my canvas in the craft section at walmart. It's 11" X 14"

Now it's time to go to town with the scissors and a stack of old magazines. I cut out any color, pattern or picture I liked in different shapes and sizes.

Being the control freak I am, I had to put my favorite pieces where I knew they would show. Most of the collage gets painted over.

The step I failed to take a photo of is outlining the stencil of your object onto the finished collage. You can google stencils for different objects, animals, etc. I found one for an umbrella and enlarged it until it was the right size. After you trace the stencil, paint around the rest of the collage. I used two coats.

This is what the finished product looked like:

I decided to add ribbon to my finished collage so I could hang it on my wall. I love the way it turned out!

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